Alright Everybody, here are the promised D.C. pictures. Once again, they are from the trip that our Generation Joshua club took to Washington. We had meetings with the offices of several congressmen related to the Parental Rights Amendment. These are from afterwords when we toured around the capitol. I hope you all enjoy them![This is Library of Congress from across the street].
This is the Capitol

This is the Grace and Mrs. Gunther at the Supreme Court Building.
This was from in between the columns up on the "porch" there.
This is most of our club on the steps.
Here's Matt and Andrew.

Here we are in Arlington National Cemetery.

Here are just a few of the many headstones at Arlington.

This is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers
We got to ride the Metro!

Alright guys, that's it for now. Thanks for looking at 'em! Feel free to leave any comments.[Just don't say that I never should have been trusted with the camera:)
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