Hey guys, how's everybody out there this afternoon? As for me, I'm doing pretty well. I stayed up late and got up early. Dad and I ate breakfast at the little cafe in our little town. We got there before it opened but they let us in anyway. We left there and had 3 lawns to finish in V.B. Then we went by the Music and Arts store to get strings for Dad's bass guitar and while we were there he bought me a capo. [I'd had one, but over the summer it disappeared] Then Dad wanted to see if a tire place could put some tires on the trailer. I wanted to get home to get my chores and things done[plus maybe have some "weekend" time] but we decided to just go by and "see if they had a waiting line or not". Once we got there [and there was a bit of a line] we walked up to "see how long the wait was". Of course we ended up waiting and getting the tires. I did want to get home sooner than we did, but now we know that we won't have to worry about one of those tires blowing out on the road.[They were really quite bad]. So all in all, it was probably worth it. Once we got back, I did end up getting all of my stuff done. Sarah helped me clean out and wash the Subaru until Mom and Rachel got back from a nutritionist appointment. Right now I'm trying to figure out something fun and "weekendy" to do. Any ideas? Hey, tomorrow is the Life Chain event. I haven't really mentioned it on here, so I'll give a brief run-down. Life Chain is an annual event started by Life Ministries to pray for the end of abbortion= the legalized murder of the children of our country. It's also trying to raise awareness about the issue of abortion in our community. It's held on the sidewalk at the corner of Va. Beach blvd. and Independance blvd. We silently line the sidewalk holding signs that say "abortion kills children". It's not a demonstration or a rally. It's a time to pray about this issue and for our country's repentance and forgiveness in this area. It lasts an hour and then you pretty much head home. I haven't recieved the final word 0n if we're going or who's going, but we've done it in the past and it's really neat. So that's that. By the way, the picture at the top is one I took in D.C. [no foolin':) I just thought that the capitol looked cool in the fog. Well hey, I'm gonna sign out for now. Hope you're having a good weekend!
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