Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Joy to the World
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving, 20, and on to Advent
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Student Action Teams
I'm going to make this a short post, as I have some packing to take care of. As some of you may remember, I'm involved with a group called Generation Joshua that's part of HSLDA. GenJ is a Christian youth civics organization that trains young people in worldview, campaigning, government, politics, etc. Each election cycle, they send out Student Action Teams [or SATs] This year they have SATs all around the country and they've asked me to help lead the one in Chicago area. [Originally I was supposed to go to New Mexico, but at the last minute plans changed]. Anyways, I'm scheduled to leave tomorrow morning and meet the rest of the team at O'Hare airport. I would appreciate it if you all would keep these SATs in your prayers [as well as the elections in general] I pray that God would use His people to elect Godly candidates to lead our nation. Please also pray for safety as we travel and walk around talking to people, and stay in host homes. I will probably be in charge of a group of kids that will go around and campaign, sign wave, phone bank, etc. I'd also love prayer for my work with the kids and for the kids themselves during this week. I should get back on the 3rd of November, and if I'm not dead maybe I'll post a recap of our time :) [I mean dead tired......don't get all excited yet...I hope to live a good long time more ;) In other news, I finally got my laptop that I bought a few weeks ago.... :D it's pretty great! I'm thankful to have it, and now I have to pay case money [fiddlesticks] oh well, I found a case at Wal-mart that I think will be good. In even other news, please pray for "The Child" documentary. We hope to have it wrapped up and ready to be sent to the replicator by tonight!! I've been over at the office several nights this past week working on behind the scenes, but Grace and Daniel and Elissa have been pretty full time for a long time now. Please pray for everyone involved and the impact that God wants this movie to have. Incidentally, we are in the midst of scheduling showings all around the country [hopefully 5 in every congressional district I think!] The point is, we hope to have one near you! If you want to find out where it is, go to and look to see if they have the showing list up yet. If there's not one near you, how about hosting you own showing? [Pretty fancy to tell people, "yeah me and my family like to premiere movies every now and then.. we know some filmmakers and they always give us the inside scoop" ;-) [or something like that] Well hey, I'd better go pack so I hope everyone's doing well, and to see some of you guys soon somehow! Ciao.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Newest "Child" Trailer
Monday, October 4, 2010
Happy Fall!
This is me, the long-lost blogger boy who has been doing alot, but not posting it on his blog. I hope you all will still look over here and not just give me up as a cob-webby corner on the internet ;)
Well to start off, what does everybody think of the Fall so far? Personally, I consider the Fall through the holidays to be my absolute favorite time of year. I told someone today that Fall and Winter weather seems to have a dignity and depth of character that is different from the rest of the year. Even tonight I heard we're supposed to get down in the 40s! I love it. So last time I posted, I was in the middle of the filmmaking trip for "The Child" and somewhere on the road. Alot of things have happened since then on many different fronts and "The Child" is in the process of full-bore post-production. The target premiere date is November 20th and there is still a ton to do. [All of your prayers would be greatly appreciated]. Director Grace T. is doing the brunt of that right now, and she recently put together a new trailer that was shown at the National Homeschool conference a couple weeks ago. I don't have the link right now, but I'll try to grab it and post it on here soon. [It's cool ;)
Changing subjects a little, who's excited about election season?! I know I am. I think it's really cool to see what I believe is a wave of "involvement" spreading across the nation. Some big things have gone down in the past couple of years, and alot of people have been shaken awake to the fact that we cannot just put the well-being of our country in the hands of "the other guy". The kind of government that our founders started is not one whose people can be flippant and apathetic about their role if they desire to keep it. Now this "wave" could be an excellent thing, but it could also just be a flash that quickly fizzles out. The key factor will be whether or not our hearts are turned to the Lord. "Conservatism" is well and good [usually], but that's not the real answer. I pray that God will turn the hearts and minds of our people back to Him. That would make for an amazing election season :)
Well hey, I've gotta run here, but I do plan to try and post alot more, so keep your eyes out. Good evening everyone!
p.s. Please pray for a campaign event that our Generation Joshua club is hosting tomorrow. From what I know about the candidate he seems real good, and if it's God's will, he could replace a pretty not-so-good guy. Thanks!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Quick Travel Update
So long for now!
Friday, August 6, 2010
"Hi! I'm From Whirlwind Tours....."
Okay, so much for the tour guide bit, but it does feel good to be writing an update about my after iGovern life :) The fact is, is that I am getting ready to leave tomorrow morning on a 3-week tour around the eastern half of the nation to do the principle shooting for "The Child". [The movie that the Tate family is producing]. Earlier this week,we were in D.C. for a few days getting to do some really cool interviews with some high-profile people [Mike Farris, Wendy Wright, Heritage Foundation, congressmen, etc.] =) That went great, but not without its fair share of adventure [sideswipings in D.C. traffic, technical difficulties, over-chlorinated pools etc.] However, the Lord blessed it and we had a great time. Now comes the long haul. Ms. Gina is the travel coordinator, Mr. Larry is the producer, Grace is the director and Daniel Tate, Justin Wright, Alaina Wright, a new friend Ray Ma, and myself are the crew [with embroidered Polo's to prove it ;) We are excited as well as wondering what it will all be like. All of your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we are on this journey and I hope to be able to update this blog a good bit while I'm on the road. It looks like I might be the bloggy guy for the production, so I will post links or whatever as I figure all that out. We also have a Facebook page, but I am not completely up on that as of yet. Well hey, I have packing to do, so I'd better run, but I hope you are all doing well, and look out to hear from me soon! Hi-yo Silver.........
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I'm at iGovern
Monday, June 14, 2010
Lights, Camera, Action!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Trader Joe's/ The Landing at Isle De Foray
Now let me tell you about last Sunday. If you've read Rachel and Sarah's blog, you will know about the hike at the park. What you may not know is that Matthew and I went back the very next day. It happened like this: Matthew and I were sitting around on Sunday afternoon after some family worship time and no fun Sunday afternoon stuff to do. Now ever since Saturday, I had been formulating a plan to get my boat from the Solomon's campsite and go on a water exploration at the park. That was simmering in the back of my ideas and it suddenly jumped up. After a conference with Matthew and our respective parents, he and I headed out to see what we could do. We knew beforehand that I probably had only one oar [Which doesn't taste very nice preciouss]. Nevertheless, we left with hopes that God would bring us an oar one way or the other. [Or we'd just get my boat and come home]. We got the boat and strapped it on top of the truck. Next, we stopped to get some lunch at Pizza Hut in Suffolk. We completely baffled the waitress with our order but in the end had a great time. Our oar hopes weren't so high, but we ventured into Wal-mart to see what they had. We found a 5-foot canoe paddle for only $12.79 or something. That led us to hope that we could treat my john-boat like a large canoe and just use 1 oar each. We uneventfully got to the lake and launched the boat successfully. It's really amazing how a clunky boat can suddenly become so graceful and smooth once you put it on the water. Thankfully, it had no fresh leaks [though every john-boat has slight ones] so after praying we set out keeping to the edge of the lake and feeling like Frodo and Sam. It was incredibly peaceful and beautiful out there. There were nooks and coves of water and rocky bluffs all around the edges. I could have spent hours and hours out there and never gotten tired of it. We came up to one of these coves that looked particularly inviting and we rowed up to the bank and tied on to a tree. Then we set foot on our newly-discovered island for the very first time. [Okay, it wasn't really an island, but we got to it by water, so that counts for something]. We knew right off the bat that this island needed a name. I suggested "Isle De Foray" [hence the post title] and we kind of left it like that. We got into a pretty good rhythm with the rowing. I gave the main power and Matthew the skipper steered from the back ;) We safely got back from our maiden voyage. and left with fervent vows to return soon. Hopefully with the girls. All in all, it was great fun and thanks for letting me tell you all about it. Oh, would anyone like to see a play we did on Mother's day called "Don Coolio's Package"? Let me know. See you all soon!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Darwinistic Antithesis to God's Sovriegnity and Providence Over Life and Death
Friday, April 23, 2010
Big Moment

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Music Tag
Hey everybody! To Miss Butler: Very sorry about the length of time it's taken to get this tag done! Please accept our deepest apologies and condolences. Also, please accept this video as the answer to the problem. Matthew and I made this thing [along with Sarah the techie girl], and we had alot of fun. [At least I did, you'll have to ask him if he did ;) So anyways, here it is for the blogging world to see. Also, let me set down a few pre-requisites: this is our first music video, and as such, you may notice a few "bobbles". [such as the tape squeal toward the end]. We could say that's artistic license, but that would be dishonest. One last thing, bear in mind that I am no Mac Powell, and my voice was kind of worn out after all the takes we did. [Though Rachel says that should make me sound just like him ;) Now, on the other hand, I certainly don't mean to demean our fine music video- in fact, we are pretty pleased. It was definitely fun, and we would love to do some more! [Also, be on the lookout for another one from the Daniel Matthew's Band featuring the talents of renowned rhythm guitarist Katie Wilson...........
So, what'd you all think? Please leave comments!! See you all later.
P.S. Mr. Oldest of Many is co-poster on this here post.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wow! Just...Wow!
The second exciting thing, is that I have found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with! My sister Rachel describes her this way: 'She has soulful brown eyes, and sleek black hair. She is very thin, weighing only 60 pounds. Her family ancestry is Germanic.'
I can't tell you how much I love her. I found her hanging around the V.B. animal shelter, and she is such a tenderhearted thing. But she has arthritis in her hip, even though she is only 7 years old. For several years we have officially "adopted" her, but now I think it's time to move onto something more serious.
APRIL FOOLS!!! This is Rachel hijacking Daniel's blog, and by the way, the woman I speak of is none other than our dog, Licorice who is part German Shephard and Black Lab. Oh. And the movie thing is fake too. But the link does really work! :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
So the Healthcare Bill passed. Now What?
Thanks for reading, and I'll post again soon!
From the office of the President:
Hey everyone, how's it going? If you have been following the recent developments related to the health care bill, you know that the House of Representatives voted to pass this highly controversial bill last Sunday, March 21st. You know, right about now is when we can become very discouraged as conservative Christians in the United States of America. We've protested, we've written letters to newspapers and civic leaders, we've prayed for this bill not to pass, some of us have been full-out front line fighters on this issue, and yet, the votes were cast, and the results were in favor of the health care bill. Was all our prayer and work and energy for nothing? Is this just one more example of how useless it is to resist because the Federal government will do and get away with whatever it wants despite what many of us believe is unconstitutional legislation? Is it one more reason to avoid speaking out or being involved in the politics of our nation? Is this one more nail in the coffin of the voice of Truth and Justice? Have we simply wasted our breath? Well ladies and gentleman, I'm here to say that by no means is any of this true. I firmly believe that this is the Lord's nation no matter what our people or leaders may say or do to the contrary. There is still a remnant [and not a small one either] of true Americans who acknowledge the rightful authority of the King of Kings. If we tuck our tails and go home because of a parliamentary defeat, then that means that our hope and confidence was not where it should have been. Now don't get me wrong; I'm not saying, "Oh, don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal, worse stuff has happened, just chill out". No, that's not at all what I'm saying. What I am saying though, is that as Christians, our Hope, our confidence, and our initiative, should come from the fact that no matter what setbacks or "defeats" we may experience as ambassadors for Christ, we are on the side that ultimately wins. The Lord's sovereign plan is in no way changed by the vote of a congress, and we can have peace in that fact. In His word, Jesus tells us, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." [John 16:33] You see, we are the salt and the light to a world without peace. A world without hope. We all know there is trouble in this world, we experience it every day. The difference is, we have a Lord who cares and who has completely overcome this world and all of its troubles. Jesus Christ has overcome the world, not Obama, not Nancy Pelosi, not the TEA Party, not the PRA, not any anti-healthcare bill, and most certainly not this health care bill. This should leave us with a huge amount of hope and passion to not settle for this in our nation, which is the Lord's nation. It should spur us on in our efforts to proclaim the crown rights of Jesus in our country. That's one of the reasons I'm writing this email. If you haven't heard yet, our recently-elected attorney general Mr. Ken Cuccinelli, has, with about 10 or so other AGs from around the nation, decided to contest the legality of this move by the federal government. This is a huge undertaking, and there are those who would tell Mr. Cuccinelli that he's just wasting his time, he'll never win, etc., etc. Thankfully though, our attorney general is taking the line of John Quincey Adams who said, "Duty is ours, results are God's". If the people of this nation listened the nay-sayers every time we had a tough decision to make, I doubt that this nation would have ever come into existence. We must boldly execute what duties have been entrusted to us, and not step into the snares of probabilities and percentages. Okay, so here's where we come in: Mr. Cuccinelli can't do this alone, and he shouldn't have to. We need to do what we can to help stand up for our rights and the rights of our state. So how do we do that? Well to start with, you can go to and sign Ken's petition that deals with this whole subject. Also, please email your friends and family and ask them to consider signing this petition also. Please pray for our leaders and ask the Lord to give them His heart and wisdom as they make decisions in and for our nation. All of us here at TACT GenJ, would love to hear from any of you all in relation to this subject, in relation to starting you own GenJ club, in relation to doing a GenJ presentation at your church or school, or if you just want to say hey that's fine too! Well hey, thank you so much for taking the time to read this message, and for your continued support and effort for Christ in your communities and this nation as a whole!
May God bless you all, and may God bless America!
Daniel W. Heffington, TACT President
Faith. Duty. Courage.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Story
"It was another rainy day at the Heffingtons' house. After spending the morning doing various chores, jobs, tasks, etc., Daniel felt that it was time for some lunch. His parents were out, his other siblings had eaten, and there didn't seem to be any of that left. He didn't mind this though. You see, he remembered that a certain Burger King that had been closed down for the better part of a year or even longer, had recently re-opened. As you may know, when this particular character is deciding what to eat, he is always on the look-out for some sort of meat. So, putting two and two together, [along with some money from his wallet], he set out to eat his lunch at said restaurant. As he was leaving though, his dear sister Leah begged and begged him to let her accompany him. [And though we would never mention it to her dear reader, I do believe she may have had a hope that her philanthropic brother would take pity on a young girl and by her a drink]. Whether or not these suspicions were validated matters little because that's just what he did. After he had finished his wonderful lunch of a Whopper Junior combo with small fries and a drink, and she had finished her drink and some of his small fries, they set off in the Subaru to go home to the rest of their brothers and sisters. As they got in the car and started toward the first stop light, Leah found an abandoned lock-blade pocket knife on the floor of her brother's car. Knowing him to be the suspicious character he was, she whipped out the knife and grinned at him in an unsettling and gloating way. [Okay, okay, maybe it was more like she slowly opened the knife out of pure curiosity. Writer's license and all that stuff.] One way or the other, the knife was opened as they began their drive. Seeing the open knife, and being the conscientious, safe, and aware driver that he was, Daniel calmly and serenely said, "Close that knife! If we were in an accident or something you'd fly forward and that knife would get me right here!" He accompanied this last statement with a violent gesture to somewhere in the region of his neck. Leah quickly saw the truth to that statement and just as quickly realized she didn't know about how to close this particular lock-blade knife. Seeing they were at a stoplight and feeling as he did about open knives being brandished around while he was driving, Daniel took the knife from her and closed it himself. It was a good thing too, because little did either of them know just how prophetic Daniel's dire prediction would turn out to be. As they neared the edge of town, they came to the spot that Daniel likes. He likes this spot because it says 55 instead of 35. As the car accelerated to cruising speed Daniel and Leah kept up a friendly chatter. [Though some say she kept glancing furtively at the knife] [But Daniel and Leah were there and neither of them will agree with that last statement so that means it's false.] Anyways, they continued home with light hearts, neither of them suspecting what was to come. Here's how it happened: At a certain spot in the road, Daniel and Leah were driving in the slow lane as their right turn was 1/2 mile ahead. Along this piece of road there is a severe ditch some 4 or 5 feet deep on the road side. This is partly because the road is built up higher than the surrounding lands though, so the ditch is much shallower on the yard side of the ditch. [Meaning people's yards.] So, as it happened, right at this particular point in the road a purple 18-wheeler decided it would scare the living daylights out of some young travelers and merge into their lane when they were right behind it's cab door. It may have been much less devious, in fact Daniel and Leah suppose they must have been in the truck's blind spot, but either way, it did start to come rather decidedly into their lane. Both Daniel and Leah noticed this movement as it was forcing them off the road. Daniel had to move the right wheel of the car onto the shoulder of the ditch because the truck kept on coming. Daniel was of course blowing his horn the whole time, but to no avail. Suddenly it happened. The truck had caused them to move so much to the right that there was no more shoulder to move on to. They were going into the 5 foot deep ditch!! Suddenly and miraculously though, there was at that certain spot, a narrow driveway crossing the bridging the ditch for about 8 or 10 feet. Somehow, [Daniel says it was no stunt driving skills on his part], the car was able to move onto the driveway in it's leap from the road. This saved them from crashing into a 5 foot ditch on the passenger side [Leah's side]. What did happen however, was that the car hit the driveway and flew into the air. During the mini-flight, the car crossed the ditch line and landed in the yard. They were still traveling quite fast for yard driving though, [they were after all flying off of a highway. Though Daniel had been braking the whole time with skid tracks to prove it] and so they ended up plowing into the ditch on the shallower yard side with Daniel's side of the car. The other point [or more like two points] of this driveway crossing however, was the fact that a mailbox and newspaper box were blocking the car's path. As they flew across the driveway they flew through those two items, breaking them into pieces. After they had landed in the ditch, it was quiet for a tiny while. [They had been yelling during the incident. At least Daniel had. But he maintains that all he said was "Whoa!" and we believe him.] After getting over the initial shock, Daniel and Leah said to each other at the same time, "Are you alright!?". They assured each other they were [thankfully] and climbed out of Leah's door as the car was at a slant with Daniel's door pinned against the ditch bank. Some kind passer-by called a deputy and he arrived quickly at the scene. As did the ambulance, fire truck, etc. After being assured that Leah and Daniel were okay, and checking the car for damage and leaks, the ambulance and fire truck left. The deputy called a tow truck and took report from Daniel and Leah. [The author would like to note here that Leah conducted herself very maturely and bravely during the whole episode. There was no crying, whimpering or anything of that nature. The only time we had a hint of her nervousness was when the deputy was pulling up and she stammered, "Am- am I going to have to testify?"] To the amazement of our heroes, the car was completely unscathed. All that needed to be done was for the tow-truck to hook a cable up and pull the car out of the ditch! The kind officer found no reason to charge Daniel with anything "unsavory", and only left them with the order to see that the mailboxes were repaired. A very thankful Daniel and Leah then got back in the car and drove to the tow-truck shop to pay for the tow. Their parents met them there and after having assured their mother that they were both okay, our two companions drove uneventfully back to their house. But I've heard that to this day [a few weeks later] Daniel still has an unusual suspicion of 18-wheelers."
So that's my story. It really was amazing how God provided that driveway at the exact spot that we left the road. We were very blessed and thankful that it wasn't any worse of a turn-out than it was. So there you have it, another example of the adventures I have with my sisters. [Maybe I shouldn't do something as dangerous and wild as going to Burger King next time :)
P.S. For anyone who was wondering, I did fix both boxes the next day. And they look pretty good. [If I do say so myself ;)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Late Tag
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Okay, Here's a Real Movie.... sort of:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Here's a test
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
A Solemn Farewell
Monday, February 8, 2010
11:54 PM
Friday, January 29, 2010
Batten Down the 'Atches!!
So anyway, that news has sent us into a day of gathering supplies, starting up generators, and generally getting ready for a winter wonderland. By the way, if any of you need snow removal, dad is getting the word out that we'll bring our Kubota over [for those of you who live in Tidewater, and own preferably large shopping centers], and clean up the place. That's another kind of ex$$itement :) So yeah, I hope we get alot, and that we have a good time with it! Alright, I hope the rest of you guys might get a bit of winter weather as well [except for the farm-owners- I hope it falls all around your house and yard, but leaves a nice clear area around the animals and barns:) Ok, see you all later, and have a great day!