Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A General Catching-up on My New Year, Why I Haven't Posted Since Last Year, and the Tale and Results of My First Political Race

Hello to one and all! Ahh, it feels good to have the keys clicking under my typing fingers again. From my activity [or lack of it] on Blogger, you all my have assumed that my inheritance finally came and I've been enjoying a week or two in Bermuda since Christmas. Well, the truth is that this has been one of my busier week-after-Christmases. Starting right before Christmas, I was led to run for president of our Generation Joshua club. That sent me into a busy time of preparing a platform and speech, working with my campaign manager [Mr. Daniel Tate is a great one for any of you aspiring candidates:) to set up a website, and doing a photo shoot at the courthouse. I have really wanted to post for a long time, but it never seemed to fit in. I have been really using my computer "skills" alot though, with setting up a gmail account [it was big for me anyway] and editing this campaign website. Okay, mebbe you want to heer reesultz? Yes? Well, our club elections were on Tuesday night, and the Lord allowed the vote to go in my favor. All that to say, I am now the new president of TACT Generation Joshua club. Please pray that I would be a good leader and have strong vision for this new year as we seek to impact our community and spread a Biblical world-view for the areas of politics and government. By the way, thanks to all of you who got wind of this election and prayed for me and our club. Hey! I almost forgot to tell all of you HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I will not sing "Auld lang whatever" for you all because I have previously expressed my feelings for that little ditty. I also want to thank all of my followers who have joined this blog in the past year and have found it worthwhile to stick with it! I'd better get going now, so I will bid you all good day. I look forward to many more posts in a much more regular fashion than the past weeks' postings. See you all later!


  1. Congratulations again Mr. President! I am confident that you will be a great leader. We are excited about this opportunity for you!

  2. Congratulations! Wow, you are brave, I wouldn't have the nerve to be the leader of anything.

  3. Yah, das mah good ol' cuz!! :) Ah newd you cud do it!
    Congrats. Daniel. See you hopefully sooner than later.

  4. Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne? :) Happy New Year, and congrats on the presidential success!

  5. Congratulations! And a Happy New Year to you and your family!

  6. Daniel H. is mz fav!!!!!!!!! well i thought as long as we werent spelling everz word !!!!!

  7. Hey Daniel,
    I have to say... We were Really Good last Sunday up in the Study!!!=)
    With the E.guiter, My guiter and the drum! NICE!
    Ps. So, whats up with "No more new posts?"
    (I'm half kidding;)

  8. Half kidding? I'd say your serious! (I'm half kidding:) It did sound pretty good though.

  9. You can say that again!!=)
    So are we doin' that or what?!


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